Monday, January 12, 2009


It's been a while since my first blog. So let me fill you in. I've been talking to just about everyone I know that skateboards. A few actually are willing to be participants in my grad project. Someone I just met is willing to teach me how to skateboard. So I guess I'm where I need to be.

So I officially have my Grad Project. Its a mix of photography and skateboarding. I recieved the seal of approval by just about everyone that read my first blog and more. I'm just looking for a title for the whole project now. Nothing really comes to mind, but I know sooner or later it will.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I've heard a mix of statements from people reguarding the graduation projects. Mostly that it's hard, diffiicult and very frustrating. Some said that it was fun. I dont, know any 12th graders, but i heard comments and stories from the other 11th graders about it. Most of them enjoyed their grad projects and some are taking school electives to help them get more understanding about it. I'm thinking of doing my grad project on photography or skate boarding. I have a true interest in both of them. The only concern I have about both of them is that I dont know anyone to help me out in those areas. I do know some places I can hang out at to help me with skate boarding. Photography is another obstacle I have to tackle later.