Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Just made so much progress after going down a list of things I needed to do. I now have an action plan but I want to do more. I get to participate in Carnegie Mellon University's NROTC program and attend their home coming. Hopefully this helps me get further than I originally planned.

Monday, October 19, 2009


I didn't want to change my grad project title, but I had no choice especially when I have two people against me. So now that my grad project title has changed I no longer have a action plan. My action plan before was brilliant and if I could say it was original. I was going to take photos and team up with another student to have my art exhibit as an action plan.

I'm now left with nothing. I have no idea of what I'm going to do. It sucks because as much as I try, I seem to be back at square one; a blank stare and games or e-mail on my screen.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Moving On Up

I'm moving up and quick. I finished my lit review, which consist of doing a self edit and a peer edit. Of course a teacher came and edited it which put a damper on my plans to do something else but I'm almost done.

Now I have to do some other things like collage, key terms, and stuff like that on my blog page. It was already complete but since they changed my topic so many times, those became obselite.

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Places They Make Me Go!

So I'm really going crazy. Lit Review packet is due today and a lot is required and incorporated in the packet. Its not the work, but it's the people here.

So they make you do this silly meetings with a teacher who you only had for 2 weeks. Its a joke, he/she doesn't know me and the work I can do and its a waste of time especially if you kinda behind. then i had a transition meeting today which kinda put my attitude in the crapper. For someone who you barely know say something that makes you feel bad and almost want to cry... is completely messed up and wrong. But hey, if that's what they gotta do to make them feel better about themselves, its okay... i guess.

but i look at it like this, they're not a important to me. I don't ever see them after either 2 hours or 15 minutes. So I just think of them as little puddles i have to step over.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


So I'm a little confused and backed up. We've changed my grad project title and concept so many times that it's killing me. I'm way behind everyone else and it's going to take a miracle to get me where I need to be.

I'm still stuck on notes because, guess what, we changed my project again. The outline is due TOMORROW!!! I didnt even start it yet because, guess what, my notes arent dont. Guess why those arent complete... because we've changed so much stuff.

Im in desperate need of a miracle, help, and some time of exception.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

And Another One...

So some more progress have been made. I got my new essential question, even some new questions. Now I have to go back in and change somethings.

I found another connection. I told a Navy Officer, Derek Gloeckl, about my grad project. I told him I needed a new action plan, someone to interview, information and probably some pictures. He told me that he wasn't the one who does that but he can connect me to the guy who does. I have to call him Thursday at 1pm.

Hope this works out better than the horrible, unmentionable meeting with that wretched lady.

Monday, September 14, 2009

YEA! So Upset

So today I got a book from the library about Black and White photography for film. Ms. Savido thought she could help me, so she hooked me up with the Wicked Witch of the City. This random lady, who I barely knew, just crushed my dreams, my project, and everything that I said. She barely knows me.

She tells me that I cant get in the Naval Academy with my QPA. Then she told me to take my transcript to Joe Preston and Arlene Spector and see if they would write me a letter of recommendation. Then she asked me if I knew TEENIE HARRIS. I said no and she told me to get out her face and was serious about it. I just put up with her spitefulness until she got done rambling about how I would be able to pull my grad project off. She suggested that I do it on the military and how they use photgraphy. Sounds interesting but I'm going to have to ask almost every military personel I know to get this type of information.

Just to say, I went to her in the beginning because I thought for sure she could help. But everytime I talked or e-mailed her I got a bunch of questions back in return. It was annoying but I put up with it because I thought it would be awesome to get help from the inside. She really got on my nerves and I'm really thinking about failing just so I re-do the project the way I was going to do it. I might even get a new subject.