Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Just made so much progress after going down a list of things I needed to do. I now have an action plan but I want to do more. I get to participate in Carnegie Mellon University's NROTC program and attend their home coming. Hopefully this helps me get further than I originally planned.

Monday, October 19, 2009


I didn't want to change my grad project title, but I had no choice especially when I have two people against me. So now that my grad project title has changed I no longer have a action plan. My action plan before was brilliant and if I could say it was original. I was going to take photos and team up with another student to have my art exhibit as an action plan.

I'm now left with nothing. I have no idea of what I'm going to do. It sucks because as much as I try, I seem to be back at square one; a blank stare and games or e-mail on my screen.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Moving On Up

I'm moving up and quick. I finished my lit review, which consist of doing a self edit and a peer edit. Of course a teacher came and edited it which put a damper on my plans to do something else but I'm almost done.

Now I have to do some other things like collage, key terms, and stuff like that on my blog page. It was already complete but since they changed my topic so many times, those became obselite.

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Places They Make Me Go!

So I'm really going crazy. Lit Review packet is due today and a lot is required and incorporated in the packet. Its not the work, but it's the people here.

So they make you do this silly meetings with a teacher who you only had for 2 weeks. Its a joke, he/she doesn't know me and the work I can do and its a waste of time especially if you kinda behind. then i had a transition meeting today which kinda put my attitude in the crapper. For someone who you barely know say something that makes you feel bad and almost want to cry... is completely messed up and wrong. But hey, if that's what they gotta do to make them feel better about themselves, its okay... i guess.

but i look at it like this, they're not a important to me. I don't ever see them after either 2 hours or 15 minutes. So I just think of them as little puddles i have to step over.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


So I'm a little confused and backed up. We've changed my grad project title and concept so many times that it's killing me. I'm way behind everyone else and it's going to take a miracle to get me where I need to be.

I'm still stuck on notes because, guess what, we changed my project again. The outline is due TOMORROW!!! I didnt even start it yet because, guess what, my notes arent dont. Guess why those arent complete... because we've changed so much stuff.

Im in desperate need of a miracle, help, and some time of exception.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

And Another One...

So some more progress have been made. I got my new essential question, even some new questions. Now I have to go back in and change somethings.

I found another connection. I told a Navy Officer, Derek Gloeckl, about my grad project. I told him I needed a new action plan, someone to interview, information and probably some pictures. He told me that he wasn't the one who does that but he can connect me to the guy who does. I have to call him Thursday at 1pm.

Hope this works out better than the horrible, unmentionable meeting with that wretched lady.

Monday, September 14, 2009

YEA! So Upset

So today I got a book from the library about Black and White photography for film. Ms. Savido thought she could help me, so she hooked me up with the Wicked Witch of the City. This random lady, who I barely knew, just crushed my dreams, my project, and everything that I said. She barely knows me.

She tells me that I cant get in the Naval Academy with my QPA. Then she told me to take my transcript to Joe Preston and Arlene Spector and see if they would write me a letter of recommendation. Then she asked me if I knew TEENIE HARRIS. I said no and she told me to get out her face and was serious about it. I just put up with her spitefulness until she got done rambling about how I would be able to pull my grad project off. She suggested that I do it on the military and how they use photgraphy. Sounds interesting but I'm going to have to ask almost every military personel I know to get this type of information.

Just to say, I went to her in the beginning because I thought for sure she could help. But everytime I talked or e-mailed her I got a bunch of questions back in return. It was annoying but I put up with it because I thought it would be awesome to get help from the inside. She really got on my nerves and I'm really thinking about failing just so I re-do the project the way I was going to do it. I might even get a new subject.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I really need some help. This part is killing me, the literary review is not even necessary. It's really stressing me out.

I forgot my notes on my flashdrive at home. Plus I have to do an outline of my notes in order by a bunch of standards.

You can tell when the deadline is approaching, you start to get frustrated real easy.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Just Gotta Make It...

to graduation. I've made a lot of progress today, more than I usually do. I just sent my interview questions on their way and I'm about to tweak my foundation questions so that they can match my project completely.

Now that I've completed that, I have to really get busy and do all my notes so I can do my proposal and my Lit Review Outline.

She, savido, is really piling the work on. I didn't think it was this much work.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

New Topic?!

A couple months ago I went to the Naval Academy... which was awesome. While I was there I had taken classes just like I would if I went there. One of the classes I had taken was Chemistry of Photography. We did a lab that day which got me thinking about my grad project (which I didn't want to think about). We developed our own pictures that we had taken with a pin hole camera. We went around campus, but stayed close to the building, and set up the pin hole cameras to take our pictures. The thing about it is that based on the weather conditions outside, it takes time for the pictures to get inverted on the film paper. It take 6 seconds, if super bright, to 2 minutes, if it's dark and gloomy, for it to be projected on the paper.

So I thought then like wouldn't it be awesome to see what style is better; Black and White versus Digital. So I kept the pictures and the lab sheet that I was given while there and showed Ms. Savido. She thought it was nice and I gave them to her for safe keeping.

I want to re-enact the lab as part of my grad project. Now Ms. Savido wants me to write down everything I need in order to complete the lab. So I decided that I might have to change the topic identity, purpose and title of my project. I just did and I like it much better now.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I guess I made a little progress. I just set up and online interview thanks to Ms. Arenth. I'm starting on my notes, which takes a long time to do and complete.

Ms. Savido wants me to make a list of everything that is needed for developing pictures from film. I'm currently waiting to get a paper from her that I gave her at the end of 11th grade year. It's taking forever.

But I guess that I made a little bit of progress... right?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New Year, New Thought

It's a brand new school year, which means I have a lot of work and stress ahead of me. This grad project isnt getting any easier especially when Ms. Savido keeps adding new stuff to the requirements.

New thoughts are coming to my mind about how I should attack everything I need to do and how I'm going to do it. I want my stuff to be over the top, funny, and entertaining. My interview, questions and action plan is my main focus; that's what I'm doing now

Friday, March 6, 2009


Trying to keep up with assignments and deadlines are killing me. I keep procrastinating and it's not looking to good in the future. I recently got the opprotunity from a special teacher (Ms. L. Savido) to leave presentations early so I can get a head start on working on my grad project.

So far I have edited and updated my foundation questions. I completed my Key Terms. My collage is posted on my BLOG, along with my DiD YOU KNOWS. All I have left to complete is my interview questions.

It seems like all my work is done, but nothing seems to show that way on my Edline. Its kind of annoying, but I'll get over it sooner or l8r.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Essential Question:
What is the role and importance of photography in the military?

Foundation Questions:
What were the earliest recorded uses of military photography?
From early uses, how has the use of photography changed for the military of in war?
How does the military use photography?
What distances work best when taking a picture in motion?
How do the military's surroundings affect the picture?
What is the controversial impact of digitally enhancing military photographs?
What is the difference between the use of digital and film when taking military photographs?
What special training is needed to become a Combat Camera?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Did you know...

Did you know... that photography dates back to the year 1820's? Specifically, in 1825, the first permanent photgraph was produced by a french by the name of Nicéphore Niépce.

Did you know... that there are many process of photography? There are black-and-white, color, full-spectrum, ultraviolet, inflared, and digital.

Did you know... that there are 2 processes of photograph? There is Amateur and Commercial. Amateur is people that do it for a hobby. Commercial has many, like fashion, advertising, crime scene, food photography, still life, portrait and wedding, photojournalism, photo-sharing, paparazzi, landscape, and editorial.

Monday, February 23, 2009


So I've been very busy doing nothing. Really... I've been doing stuff, but since some complications at home got in the way I wasn't able to communication efficiently. Some things that I've completed was my KEY TERMS, my WEBLIOGRAPHY, and now I'm about to finish up my DID YOU KNOWs.

I'm have meetings with people with photography as their professions. I'm actually talking to a lady who has a history with photography. She used to be in the modeling industry, but she started doing photography. But if I'm ever going to finish catching up with my work, I have to stop blogging.


Monday, January 12, 2009


It's been a while since my first blog. So let me fill you in. I've been talking to just about everyone I know that skateboards. A few actually are willing to be participants in my grad project. Someone I just met is willing to teach me how to skateboard. So I guess I'm where I need to be.

So I officially have my Grad Project. Its a mix of photography and skateboarding. I recieved the seal of approval by just about everyone that read my first blog and more. I'm just looking for a title for the whole project now. Nothing really comes to mind, but I know sooner or later it will.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I've heard a mix of statements from people reguarding the graduation projects. Mostly that it's hard, diffiicult and very frustrating. Some said that it was fun. I dont, know any 12th graders, but i heard comments and stories from the other 11th graders about it. Most of them enjoyed their grad projects and some are taking school electives to help them get more understanding about it. I'm thinking of doing my grad project on photography or skate boarding. I have a true interest in both of them. The only concern I have about both of them is that I dont know anyone to help me out in those areas. I do know some places I can hang out at to help me with skate boarding. Photography is another obstacle I have to tackle later.